Feb 15

TTI Norte S.L. (TTI) – Spain

TTI is an SME that was founded in 1996 with 100% private capital, and today remains as an independent and private limited society. Currently TTI comprises an expanding team of 100 highly qualified engineers well supported by key lab and fabrication assets. TTI works in the technological forefronts of space, military, telecommunications, science and information technology sectors. TTI applies its radiofrequency and antenna systems experience to develop more efficient equipment to comply with the very demanding requirements for future 5G communications. TTI has among its customers important national and international technology corporations. TTI has carried out an ambitious R&D program to develop new products and services for its customers, teaming R&D activities with the most prestigious national and European organizations. TTI has wide expertise in the design, development and testing of communications systems from L band up to mmwaves. TTI participates actively with the main European research organisms and with the major telecommunications companies in several R&D projects, to develop continuously more efficient and competitive solutions. TTI provides expertise for hardware selection, design, integration and testing of advanced antennas, RF and microwave components, equipment and systems.

Main tasks in the project

TTI main contribution is directed to WP5 in which TTI will lead the PCBs integration: control platform board design and manufacturing, integration of the control platform board with the transceiver board, and coordination of the boards testing. TTI also contributes in WP6 with dissemination and exploitation results of the project.